Witches vs. Bitches (Opinion)

Ever notice how much power words poses? Words can change lives. The intentions behind words can lead success or even ruin. I would like to talk about two specific words in which the meanings they have had - have led to powerful proclamations and also death sentences. In honor of all things during this spooky season I give you the powerful words WITCH and BITCH.

In every culture around the world there is a type of WITCH. Usually it is defined as threatening mallevelant being who uses magic to influence others for personal gain- Usually when women are given this label they are a widow with land that someone wanted access to, middle aged , usually on fringe of society, subversive being of some sort. When one is given the label of WITCH it was meant to cast you as less than human. A true threat that needed to be snuffed out. There are thousands of examples within history of women who met their ends due to the off kilter judgment of their peers.

Now a days the word WITCH has been shifted to a form of identity and power to some. There is a whole movement of self identifying WITCHES who practice magic of all sorts. It is a word now celebrated for its culture. It has taken back its power.

Yet still society loves to label women who deviate from societal norms, the most obvious of those is BITCH. Any time a Feminine person has power, desire, ambition, they are still considered highly dangerous or repulsive by those in power. Words such as WITCH or BITCH are meant to shake the foundation of our innate power. They are meant to seperate us and weaken us.

So I think that BITCH is along for a redefinition as well. There is just as much power behind that term as there is WITCH. As a matter a fact I think I myself am a Bitchy Witch. Indeed an outlier, subversive…I acknowledge and tap into my own power I have cultivated without shame- and I dwell with in the feminine and live counter to the patriarchy.

WITCH vs BITCH there is no difference.


Vampires are everywhere!