6 Tips to Overcome New Year’s Anxiety

by Emily Hisel

Another year gone by–can you believe it?! Seems like just yesterday that we were all starting our 2 week mandatory stay-at-home “vacation” and now we are getting pretty used to the new way of things. 

Last year’s NYE came with a naïve optimism that 2021 would be better than 2020, and in a lot of ways it has been! But to be completely honest…2021 was still pretty horrendous and I think that collectively, we have come to terms with the fact that “the roaring 20’s” will be anything but roaring. This pessimism is just a way of life now–Covid is here to stay, politics and the environment are bleak and unpredictable, and injustices happen every second. 

But NYE is still a time of celebration and optimism because we made it another year! Take a moment to breathe and find an ounce of gratitude for that fact alone. You’ve had your fair share of trials and tribulations, take time to honor your evolution. Be sure to keep a level head, however, because soon we will start feeling the pressure of New Year’s Resolutions and “New Year, New Me” Instagram posts. If that makes you as uncomfortable as it makes me, this blog post is for you.

Here are 6 Tips to Overcome New Year Anxiety:

  1. Change isn’t always necessary. 

You do not have to enter into the new year thinking you must radically change something in your life. That’s just unrealistic! You don’t get to June 10th and say, “Well it's June 10th, now I have to get serious about the gym.” January first is just another day on the calendar, and when your intuition tells you to make a change, you do it, regardless of the day. 

  1. There’s no timeline.

Your growth and healing will only ever occur at your own pace. Your path in life has never been the same as your friend’s or your mom’s, so why should your evolutionary process have any sort of future planning? The highs and lows of healing will never follow a direct path and you need to flow with the uncertainty. 

  1. Don’t overlook how far you’ve already come.

Use this time to celebrate your successes. Instead of feeling pressured to become a “better” person, make a list of all the reasons why you are already awesome! 

  1. “Intention” not “resolution”.

If you do plan to make a healthy lifestyle change, be aware of the wording and the thought process of this change. Rather than resolving to change something, intend to bring newness and prosperity to your life. 

  1. It’s never too late. 

There is no such thing as a missed opportunity when it comes to life accomplishments. You can absolutely get that degree at 55! You can start that business after years of unemployment! It’s not too late to learn a new skill or start a new hobby! 

  1. Take it one day at a time. 

Do not overwhelm yourself by listing every single thing you must accomplish in 2022. Allow yourself to be human, and humans change every day. A great way to show yourself some loving kindness is to allow yourself to be flawed and ever-changing. 


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