
Elaine has always felt passionate about supporting and empowering others’ health and well-being. Her fascination with understanding thinking, feelings and emotions on a deeper level led her to study psychology in college. Upon graduating, Elaine experienced physical health issues that were approached and treated with solutions based on the symptoms versus the root cause. She felt more could be done and that treating the symptoms was only scratching the surface. This led Elaine to explore various avenues of solutions to holistic health such as holistic nutrition, meditation and massage. Through this, Elaine learned two important components, one is that there are many different factors that contribute to health and well-being, and the other is that the mind and body are interconnected. With this knowledge, Elaine was intrigued to learn more about the body, how the two interconnect, and how therapeutic touch can help heal both. Elaine graduated from the massage therapy program at Pacific College of Health and Science, which comprised of eastern and western massage therapy techniques. This enhanced Elaine’s ability to provide holistic healing to others. Through massage therapy, Elaine strives for each person to be able to experience exactly what they need in the moment to feel safe and physically and mentally at ease.